Opter Price

Welcome to Opter Price - your ultimate destination for precise commodity price trend predictions. Our cutting-edge platform utilizes advanced algorithms to analyze market data, offering reliable forecasts for a variety of commodities including Hot Rolled Coil(热轧钢卷), Petroleum(石油), TiO2(二氧化钛), Nickel(镍), Zinc(锌), Tin(锡), Acetylene(乙炔), Aluminum(铝),Carbon Black(碳黑) and Copper(铜). Whether you're a seasoned trader, investor, or industry expert, Opter Price equips you with the insights needed to make informed decisions in the fast-paced world of commodity trading.

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Feature 1

Price Forecasting

Utilizing market and factor trends, our AI model constructs a confidence interval of likely future prices for interested commodities.

Feature 2

Factor Effects

With the Lite version, the user is able to manually fine tune these weights and factors for personalized results.

Feature 3

Event Simulation

With the Lite version, the user is able to simulate large scale global events that can heavily impact commodity prices.

Pricing Table
Free Forever
Choice for companies who would like to try out our opter price product
1 week price forcasting
Basic Prediction Accuracy
News Information
Lite Monthly
Great for medium/large companies that would like to improve their process
1 month price forecasting
Standard Prediction Accuracy
News Information
Partial Factor Effects
Non savable user factor overrides
Limited Event Simulation
Lite Yearly
Great for medium/large companies that would like to improve their process
1 month price forecasting
Standard Prediction Accuracy
News Information
Partial Factor Effects
Non savable user factor overrides
Limited Event Simulation
Best for Large agencies who want to transform their processes
Contact us
3 months price forecasting
Enhanced Prediction Accuracy
News Information
Full set Factor Effects
Savable user factor overrides
Full Access Event Simulation

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